Funeral Wishes Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *FirstLastAddressReligionNext of Kin/Person I would like to help Marcus Madill Funeral Director with arrangementsBuriedYesNoPlease select Yes or NoIf yes, whichChurchyardCemeteryNew GraveExisting GraveCrematedYesNoPlease select Yes or NoIf Yes ashes to be scattered where?If Yes ashes to be buried where? Kept at home in an Oramental UrnYesNoWakeYesNoPlease select Yes or NoWake LocationAt HomeFuneral HomeCoffin to be:OpenClosedType of coffinTraditonal OakWickerBog OakThe Corral GlenThe ErneThe MoonlightThe RosePlease select which. (See Brochure attached at the bottom of this form)I would like to be buried/cremated in the following outfit:Who knows about this?My favourite flowers are:Type of flowersFresh FlowersSilk FlowersWhich Colours?One Coffin SprayYesNoDonationsYesNoPlease select Yes or NoIf Yes which charity?Funeral Service TypeReligiousNon-ReligiousIf Religious, which Church/Chapel outfit: Madill where? If Non-Religious:Service to be held in family homeFuneral homeCrematorium (if cremation)Funeral service to be conducted by (if available)MinisterPriestCelebrantFuneral DirectorFamily Member or FriendPlease select whichPlease provide contact details/numbersFuneral Service: What songs/hymns/music to be played/sung? What readings, what verse for death notice/Order of service sheets Any additional requests/wishes; eg funeral teas, final journey, video service, family/friends to wear a certain colour?Submit ShareTweet